Sunday, May 25, 2008

What to bring to a race

This is a list of things to bring to a race. It was posted originally by Charles, an experienced racer, on the blog.

-Race clothes, including shorts, jersey, skin suit, arm and leg warmers, socks, gloves, rain jacket
-warm up and cool down clothes - jacket / tights
-bottles for warm up / race / post race
-food pre-race / race / post race (I always pack food because I don't want to be scrambling to find some place open when I should be warming up -- I've learned that lesson too many times.)
-HR monitor / strap / computer
-trainer (plus front wheel prop and iPod)
-cash / checkbook / phone / wallet / keys
-spare wheels
-race flier / map / directions

I would add

-coins (for the road tolls)
-a large bottle of water, aside from the water bottles (there's no such thing as too much extra water)
-an extra set of racing clothes
-health insurance card
-chamois cream/jelly (for those who use such things)
-sugary drink/sports recovery drink (to avoid the sugar crash at the end of the race)
-spare tubes

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